Friday, 28 September 2012

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Second Lesson - Cawan

Firstly, basic cylinderical shape with radius = 50mm and height = 150mm

Then convert it into Editable Poly and select Polygon. Click the top surface then along the features below you click Insert to offset the selected surface. Then click extrude and extrude it inwards.

After that select the below surface using Polygon and then offset it using the same method above. Instead of extrude, Move the selected part inwards as shown in the picture.

Next I drew the handle for the cup at the Front viewport using Lines with smooth edges. And also I fixed the thickness of the handle by manipulating the polygon surface of the cup.

By using Extrude Along Spline, the handle is solidified along the line I drew previously.

The finished product

The finished product with Turbosmooth

1st Panda Progress

Chosen Panda Sculpture

Firstly I created two seperate spheres as a basic shape of the head and body

Then I used the FFD(box) 6x6x4 to manipulate the shape into the shape that I want

The following two screenshots is the result of that manipulation

Finally I combine the two objects into one, creating a shape of the panda's head and body

Stay tuned for more updates.